Rust - Axum Identity API Chapter : 1
In this chapter we are going to create from zero a Rust Axum API with a health checker
Create a new project and install dependencies
- Create a new project
cargo new axum_api
- Enter to your project directory and add needed crates
cargo cargo add tokio tokio-util serde serde_json axum axum-extra chrono -F tokio/full -F axum/tokio -F axum-extra/typed-header -F chrono/serde -F serde/derive -F tokio-util/compat
- In your file add the following code
mod route;
mod api_handler;
use crate::route::create_router;
async fn main() {
// Get app_router
let app = create_router();
// Read the port from env or use the port default port(3000)
let port = std::env::var("PORT").unwrap_or(String::from("3000"));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(&format!("{}", port))
println!("Running server on {}", &format!("{}", port));
// Run server
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
- Create a file with your routes, this file will be used to create all endpoints
use axum::{routing::get, Router};
use crate::api_handler::health_checker;
pub fn create_router() -> Router {
Router::new().route("/health", get(health_checker))
- Create file with function that returns info for specific routes. We are going to create health_checker function that returns StatusCode 202
use axum::http::StatusCode;
pub async fn health_checker() -> StatusCode {
- Run with cargo run dev and make an http request to http://localhost:3000/health and you will get a 200 status code